Wednesday 19 June 2013

Blessed Book

In two weeks time, with Allah SWT grace and will, insyallah I'll be able to welcome the Holy Month of Al Quran again. It has been a year after year event. It has passed my 50th year and, today I'm asking myself "what have I achieved?" 

As a DS, for the past two decades my life has been blessed to see some parts of this beautiful world. From my evergreen homeland to the spectacular land of bronze desert of Kuwait where the temperature sometimes soared to 50 degrees Celcius. Next, to an exotic teak tropical woods but lovingly covered with glittering rubies and sapphires. After being adorned with layers and layers of Burmese silk, I was soon taken to the fantasy 'Land of Snow White' where in this cosmopolitan city I could walk miles and miles to window-shop along the Oxford Street, browsing @Liberty and finally stopped at Harrods. 

If being covered with the enchantingly cooling whitish snow at Hyde Park isn't enough for me, I am now blissfully surrounded by the warmth and soft sandy dunes on one side and the other by the pristine coastline of the blue ocean till the Gulf of Eden ;) Yet, during winter season the temperature will suddenly drop to zero at the highest peak of Jabal Sham aka the Snake Canyon. It was indeed, a wonderful feeling while being entertained by cheerful friends under the bright moon light and over hot creamy coffee with delicious tom-yam soup and at the same time merrily surrounding the scarlet blazing bonfire just to keep us warm :)

Reminiscing the happy moments and blissful experiences both past and present in this cosy room which is filled with aromatic sweet scent from the Omani frankincense, I said to my little heart - "Be Thankful with what you have, you have no idea how many people would love to have what you have got!" ...

Alhamdulilah, all praise to Allah SWT for all the worldly gifts for me to see and experience in the lovely side of this world. I don't know about my life in the hereafter, although I pray and doa that my life there will be as blissful as in today's world. Insyallah, and I'll never stop praying for the truth to come. I also told myself that with all those bountiful gifts of sound mind, good eye sight, good hearing, lovely taste buds and all the wonderful things and happy family life that I received in this worldly world, indeed I am truly one of His Al Mighty privilege servants. Amin. 

So, in return what shall I give or do to His Almighty Allah SWT for all the beautiful 'presents' which Allah has bestowed upon me? I know Allah doesn't  need or want anything from me except Allah wants me to 'never forget' HIM. This is also the 'last' word from my Mom each time I called her and just before I put down the receiver. She never fails to remind me although I am no longer in my teens anymore and knowing that I have grown and married children of my own :D 

But, I took her word with lots of 'Terima Kasih, Mak' because that shows she loves me full hearted with all her heart and soul, which undoubtedly reflected in her name Rahmah. I also believe a person will not remind us of anything unless he / she truly loves us.  The remembrance of Allah is not difficult, isn't it? Just anytime and anywhere to zikir  'SubhaanAllah' apart from executing all the Rukun Islam and Rukun Iman. Alhamdulilah, to Allah SWT again for honoring me with a wonderful late Dad and strong hearted Mom Rahmah who did their duties and responsibilities very well by engulfing me with all the basic foundation of Islam and instilling in me the reading and knowledge of the Holy Al Quran, the Blessed Book!

So, in this final month of Shaaban while waiting eagerly but patiently for the Holy Month of Ramadan to come, I am now starting to flick open the Blessed Book which my dear better half has presented to me and recite its contents and its meaning via the translation published by Jakim. I also vividly remembered the words said by one of the  'Spirited Sisters' in her workshop, "in the next life, each person will recite to Allah SWT all the Al Quran he / she knows and be elevated in Jannah with each verse and his / her place will be at the last ayat which he / she knows." Allahualam. But, I strongly believe that the messages and teachings in the Blessed Book truly provide guidance for all mankind and me to progress and become dignified and respected 'khalifah' in this worldly world and also in preparation for my time in the hereafter. 

To me and all the people around me, 'Selamat Membaca & Memahami' the Blessed Book Al Quran nul Karim ... Amin.

(Note: To my RY, please accept my heartiest and sincere Thanks for this Blessed Book)

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