Saturday 23 November 2013

Love Thy Neighbours ...

Who is nearest to us apart from immediate families? I believe they are our neighbours > persons who live next to us. If we are in pain who do we turn to? If our wife is in labour whom do will call for help? Of course the most logical answers would be to call for doctors and go to the hospital. Also to call our Moms :( but unfortunately they lived far away from us. Worst still if we do not have the means and panic attacks for immediate help  during that emergency, then the nearest persons for us to run to and knock the door at the middle of the night would be our neighbour! 

Therefore, in our 'unwritten vocabulary' we have the term Love Thy Neighbour! I strongly believe with this solidarity for if our neighbour is happy, we will live peacefully; and if our neighbour needs help, we must be the first person to offer our hands! In my language we have a saying 'Malang tak Berbau' which among others mean 'disaster cannot be sniffed out' or we can't smell danger or we don't know when mishap will befall us. So, if any of these things happen to any of our us or to our neighbours, the most logical and appropriate gestures were to render help and offer our assistance the best we could extend to them.

A small deed but with sincere hearts and feelings from us during this trying time will mean a lot to the recipient. If one could not offer assistance in kind, just a shoulder to lean for her grieve will suffice to someone in need. But, if we have the means to contribute more such as in monetary terms that will surely ease the burden suffered by our neighbours. And this can be done in many ways including donation drive through passing of hats or by organizing a charity bazaar where the proceeds from sales could be channeled to the needy and victims of the mishaps suffered by our neighbours. 

The truth, that was exactly what we deed in Muscat among the ASEAN Community by organizing a half day ALC Charity Bazaar @MGM when we heard and knew that our neighbour the Philippines had suffered a tragedy due to strong and deadly typhoon Haiyan that affected its people. The ever caring ladies from six ASEAN (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand) countries in the Sultanate of Oman had joined hands to sell foods at their stalls in the foyer of MGM that attracted many generous people from all walks of life to do their part by buying the foodies and in returned whatever amount they gave were channeled to the charity! I also  observed some beautiful hearted samaritans just gave their donations without wanting anything in return in the name of worthy cause which was awesome, really sweet and heart warming. My prayers go to those compassionate hearts for their generosity and well being. Amin.

Here, kuddos to the management of MGM who allowed the usage of the foyer for free also in the name of charity. Credit goes to all the ASEAN embassies, their ever helpful willing staff and Ladies Wings such as Perwakilan Muscat and others that gave full support for this charitable event. And to our beloved neighbor the Philippines and the affected Filipino friends, our hearts are all for you. We did these good deeds also for you for we love you. As human beings, our knowledge are limited. We do not know, for only Allah SWT knows what will happen to us today, tomorrow or the future. My dear neighbour, anything can happen to us. We already know that today is your day, but perhaps tomorrow will be our day!?! So, here we are - all very happy to join hands to assist in the name of good cause in whatever way we can to ease some of your burdens. My Neighbour, My Friend - When you cry, we too cry; but when we smile, we want you to smile, too. May our ASEAN solidarity and true neighbourly spirit and love well intact within us :)

One for the album: ALC Patrons after the handing  of the proceeds from the bazaar with Ms Joyce, Charge de Affairs of the Philippines Embassy @MGM

We did our part in 'A Caring and Sharing Community' ALC Charity Bazaar for victims for typhoon Haiyan @MGM: A pose of the Malaysian ALC representatives after their tireless good deed with HE Ambassador Dato' Rustam Yahaya :)

Love Thy Neighbours: In these brave warm hearted ladies flow the forever ASEAN solidarity spirits and rendering hearts for good charitable deeds to those in needs. Bravo ALC Muscat!

1 comment:

  1. As a Filipina and as a fellow member of the ALC I once again feel thankful for having such friends here in Muscat and neighbors in the ASEAN region. Your kindness and help, and even just by showing such concern for the sad events that have happened are truly something I will always find in every ASEAN I meet.
