Tuesday 5 November 2013

Hubby's Satay List -

I was wondering what Mr Right was writing while we were having our breakfast at Al Hooti this morning. He was in deep thought as if he was thinking about world issues! (@^@) Instead, once done he handed and surprised me with this list ... Could anyone figure out what it means?

A hand-written list wrote by Mr Right aka Hubby @Al Hooti while I was enjoying my prata with chicken masala and fried dhall! :D

I looked at him and grinned. It was a 'to buy list' for satay ingredients, inter alia -
20kg chicken breasts
25 stalks lemon grass
3kg shallots
1kg ginger
1kg galangal 
300gm fennel
150gm cumin
500gm fresh tumeric
Sugar & Salt
200gm coriander 
Satay Sticks > 1200 sticks 

As a DS, I truly supported Mr Right's work for our nation through out his tour of duty both at home and abroad. And, this morning he was preparing a 'to buy list for satay' ingredients to be purchased at Lulu Hypermarket after our breakfast. Since Malaysia will host a National Day reception @CrownPlazaHotel tomorrow, apart from the normal hotel cusines, Mr Right hopes to serve homemade 'satay' for the guests. Indeed, he had served his 'satay' to our guests previously both at national day receptions as well as at our residence during Eid Celebrations! He always feels since 'satay' is our traditional cuisine hence it is an honour and good gesture to serve our guests with foodies that reflect our tradition and culture :)

However the process to make satay was quite tedious. It involves many hours to prepare including cutting the 20 kg chicken breasts, cutting and blending the fresh and dry ingredients before marinating takes place. The amount of sugar and salt also needs to be balanced for taste purposes which is indeed Mr Right's specialty! So far, I only observed the processes he did but never had my fingers on them except the scewing part which was also very time consuming. However, if we do it with friends in happy moods the scewing process is truly fun and the job is done in no time! And that's the spirit showed by Perwakilan Muscat Ladies each time we prepared satay for our special event :D

The Processes ..

Marinated Chicken Satay after the Cutting, Washing & Marinating with 'Hubby Secret Receipe'! The 'how many hours' to marinate is also pertinent in ensuring the perfect taste ...
Perwakilan Muscat Ladies were helping with 'Acara Mencucuk Satay' or scewing process @Satay Making in Qurum29.  Thank You ALL!
BBQing the Satay! Another tedious process which needs lots of patience because one has to make sure the satay is properly cooked - not raw, medium or well done! Also neither less nor over cooked.
Fresh from the open fire grilled by Mr T

The cooked Satay ready to be eaten with condiments including pressed rice 'nasi empit' + well cut emerald cucumbers + fresh fiery Bombay onions and tasty kuah kacang gravy prepared by PM Ladies = Delicious Hubby's Satay @Qurum29 and were soon 'transported' to Sindbad Ballroom, Crown Plaza Hotel in Muscat for all our guests!

Well Done Mr Right. I am truly proud of you and exceptionally blessed to be chosen as your Mrs Right :) Apart from the love you shower me, I also love all your foodies since day one till now including the Hubby's Satay. :-D

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