Thursday 7 November 2013

An act of Kindness goes A Long Way :)

I was reading an article in Y-Magazine about It's Cool to be Kind and a reminder not to forget the date > November 13th as World Kindness Day! It was a good read indeed. But to have a day dedicated to it, somehow it's okay and thoughtful although I personally feel that we don't have to wait till that date arrives just to show or practice good deeds. It has to be imbued within us and to be part and parcel of our daily acts to show compassion and kindness to all God's creations be it to human beings, animals and nature. 

Alhamdulilah in my life, as shown by many kind and caring persons every where I go and here in this hospitable land, every day I received good deeds either in kinds or gestures straight from their hearts. Without fail when I woke up in the morning, my better half would embrace me and kiss my forehead. It was followed by a whisper of  three soothing letter words I Love You. The embracement and sacred sentence truly energize my spirit to look forward to a good day. It sounds and looks like a simple act but the effect to the person receiving it was exceptionally great! 

Even the feline Gary shows his love by placing his paws onto my cheeks each time I hold him in my arms while sending-off and waving to Daddy who has to go to work. If only I could decipher his soft meow into my language, perhaps that will be one of my best days, too! But through his gestures, I could feel deep in my heart and soul that he cares for me and sort of saying, "Don't worry Mom, I'm here for you till Daddy's home ..." Well, isn't that sweet? If an animal could show an act of kindness that goes a long way, why not us who I believe could give more in many ways :)

Talking about kindness too, brought sweet memories to my stay in a City two decades ago. One beautiful morning while accompanying the Malaysian delegation comprising of one of our Highnesses during her visit to a special school in the city, a small boy aged 7 handed to me a handmade gift which he did in class. He was a very special boy - spastic and mute!  I was truly captivated by his passion in arts and during that visit he was making several art projects using his little fingers. 

His innocence looks still lingers in my mind which till today I could not forget him and his touch! I was about to leave him and his activity on the table to catch up with the other entourage when he caught hold of my baju kurung. When I looked at him, he smiled and handed this little gift which to this day I still carry it everywhere I go to remind me that an act of kindness goes a long way! 

This precious gift has followed me to many countries apart from my home nation to Burma, UK and now in the Sultanate of Oman. I believe the small boy must have grown to a young man now - 27 years old! In shaa Allah. My prayers always for you dear 'sonny' and may Allah SWT bless and shower you with His Love and Grace as a return to the act of kindness which you had shown me once that still lingers and engulfs me till today. Amin.

A gift from an innocent touch that taught me an act of kindness goes a long way! TQ Sonny :))

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