Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Gentle Reminder ...

I was browsing through my FB and saw these beautiful words by Anon posted by someone who truly cares to share. Indeed, the credit goes to the Anon writer who had written the words of wisdom. Thus, I quickly took the opportunity and self liberty to quote the meaningful words today to be sent to my daughter on her Birthday tomorrow 18.12.2013 as a gentle reminder to me and also to her in pursuing our present day for a better future and truly blissful life.  I always wanted to be a thoughtful Mom to her. Insyallah, May my wish be granted and fulfilled by Allah SWT.

I acknowledged and credited these words to the Anon writer which I had quoted from FB Wall. TQ for the reminder  and more so for care to share whoever you are! :D

After five decades of living in this challenging world and meeting many characters from all walks of life, I totally agreed with the Anon writer: "there is purpose for everyone you meet ..." In some ways, the people we met throughout our journey of life made us happy, smile and laugh. But at times, there were others who made us mad, sad and cried :( Yet, when we looked back at those days, we realised that everyone of them had taught us a valuable lesson! 

Also a popular  Malay saying Yang Baik Di Jadikan Tauladan; Yang Buruk Di Jadikan Sempadan suddenly popped to mind. Whatever we received or acquired from others be it from family members, friends or acquaintance, we must always sieve them. Whatever good take it as an example or something to emulate. But, whatever not good or bad, take it also but made it our barrier or reminder! Not all sweet is honey and not all bitter is medicine :D Yet, all the same I am truly thankful that we have crossed path, although just for a second or so for there's always a purpose which only Allah SWT knows at the moment of the crossing path for only He knows best!

To those persons who are worth to be respected, kept and hailed by me, You surely know who You're for You're truly worthy! I am blessed to be surrounded by persons such as You far and near and for that matter, my greatest gratitude to Allah SWT for bestowing me with those loving souls. Alhamdulilah. May all the love that were neatly sowed within us flourish. Amin. 

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