There's an old saying "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" which I personally believe to some extent it makes sense especially for not all but some golden gals where most parts need girdles or spanks if not liposuction, botox or implants which I neither use nor support any usage of them! When the magnetic face powder is no longer attracting the better halves perhaps the charm of aromatic cakes through the power of baking powder would (?) be the pulling factor. Who knows ...
Well, based on personal experience it works since I only started to be friendly to Mrs Kitchen when age was approaching Hawaii Five-0. LOL! Before then, I was very particular with the sweltering heat and 'pungent hair odour' after cooking each recipe of Asian foodies which involved lots of stir-frying, frying, curries, chillies, salt fish, onions, garlic and other strong spices although the end result was woosh > Sweating Yummy & Delicious Cuisines :D
The other pushing factor for me to be associated and becoming more friendly to Mrs Kitchen was when one day I looked at sonny's wedding photographs and out of the blue a question suddenly pop to mind "what would I do if I have a grandchild and he begs Gran - I'm hungry and I want porridge?" Huh! That'll be the day when I'll be panicking and sweating like 'hello help me' even when the kitchen room temperature is @5 degrees Celsius! And, when I told this to Mr Right he only gave me his broad grin :D and sturdy Thumb's Up! Wow <3 TQ Mr Right.
Since that 'jolting' day I was seen more often visiting the ever welcoming and friendly Mrs Kitchen although Mr Right always know that I would never be glued to it. I truly know she was feeling very lonely before I received the 'revelation' but now I could sense that she's much happier and ever ready and ever willing to 'serve' me the best way she could :) I noticed she's honestly happy when I used all the well polished utensils and shiny pots and pans, too. I learnt to use her stove for general cooking exercises, oven to grill chickens, and her microwaves only for reheating purposes.
I'm still not ready and feeling afraid to venture more than the basic such as baking and other advanced cooking practices. But, from what I have achieved so far, Mrs Kitchen was delightful and Mr Right was the happiest man after waiting patiently for nearly three decades to taste the foodies from air tangan Isteri! His remarks was, "At last, I tak kempunan to taste my wife's cooking." Ha Ha Ha ... TQ once again Mr Right for being extremely patient and counting your days to taste my homecook foodies. And I must thank His Almighty for this Oman posting which made it happened!
So, for lunch yesterday I tried for first time Asam Pedas Ikan Parang where the recipe I followed with some adjustments from the Internet because I was not able to call Mom for the original Asam Pedas Cik Ramah due to time difference. Hu Hu Hu! Mr Right bought the fish from the Hypermarket. Once all cleaned someone has to cook! So, who? Not him whose forte was stew, grilled and BBQ! Then Who? Without any finger pointing, I took the challenge. After flipping through the said recipe several times and with barely little confidence instilled inside me, I tried my best to cook the said dish. I hoped it cooked well if not tasted good since I do not want to be 'blamed' of Mr Right's tummy upset. Thus, I prayed hard it won't happened. Insyallah.
In fact, I was very nervous and 'sweating' in an air con dining room waiting for Mr Right's comment during lunch time. The result was as Mr Right commented, "Ok, adalah rasa asam pedas ... but it'd be better if you practice more!" He added, "Ada lagi tak ikan parang yang belum di masak?" to which I nodded. Then he continued, "How many bags?" and I replied "About 6!" When he heard my response, he quickly patted my hands and said, "Please cook for me again tomorrow and day after tomorrow, Honey."
Woooo ... Indirectly, it means between the score of 1-10, I think I obtained just below passing mark 4.5 ;( Well, perhaps not entirely failed because I'm pretty sure the fish was cooked and definitely he won't get any tummy upset, but at the same time I was feeling not sad but bad for I scored not even average and what more distinction. At face value from his comments and tone, I took his hint as > it's okay but imperfect Mama, So Please Practice More for Practice makes Perfect! (@^@)
And I looked at him with rolled eyes ;)
The asam pedas ikan parang > First Trial and I think I need more than 10 trials and even then, I am doubtful that it will be perfect! LOL
So, this evening I made my second attempt and I served Mr Right the asam pedas ikan parang @dinner time. He looked at it and later took other dishes first namely the daging masak kicap which I was quite familiar with before he tried the former. Then with a smile, he commented "Honey, much much better than yesterday. If you spend 10 minutes more than yesterday, you'll get a better result!" I looked up at him and asked a blunt question: "Would it be a 6 today?" He smiled and uttered, "Hmmmm just passed - 5 lah!" Huh Huh Huh If it's an examination it's only a C-! Anyway, TQ Mr Right for your frank answer. Perhaps, I'll practice more in future :D
My second attempt of asam pedas ikan parang for dinner. Barely passed :) and as mentioned earlier I doubt even after my tenth or more attempts the dish will be as perfect as Moms :(.