Gary celebrates his FirstBirthday with Mom and Dad @Qurum 29 on June 30, 2013.
It has been nine months since we took Gary home from Sabco. Dad, Mom and Lisa scouted for a feline for Lisa who wanted a buddy @home each time she came back from her internship. So, we went to Al Araimy and saw a few. First, Lisa wanted a Bob Cat, but we could not fine one. Then, she quite liked a snow white girly! However, I wasn't quite interested and told her that we'll scout for few options. If there is none that I am berkenan or interested, then we'll get the Snow White!
Very quickly, we crossed the street and went to Sabco. We were shown the cat clinic by the veterinarian and saw few felines there. All are cute with fluffy hairs which made us rambang mata or had difficulty to choose :D A number of grays and other colors. But no snow whites or Bob Cat! Many were hanging around or lazying in their cages. But, one active grayish feline caught my eyes! I don't know how and why, but I fell in love to him on first sight! LOL :D
Yeah! I immediately told Lisa, "I want that active gray baby" to which she quickly responded, "I thought it is supposed to be my choice, Mom?" Then, I patted her shoulder and said, "You'll be going home soon, but the baby will stay with us. So, I want someone soothes to my eyes." With rolled eyes she gave way to me and agreed with my new found babe!
I wanted to name him Earl Gray but Dad and Lisa preferred Gary. So, based on majority votes we named him Gary and straightaway we made a passport and medical card for him. Wow! We were feeling very excited and bought all the necessities for him - His grayish carrier box, his gray litter box, his cooled and comfy bed, his lime green hair brush, his shampoo, his cheeky 'mouse' play mates, his cat bowls for food and water, his baby food and of course his personalized lime green cat collar with an engraved GARY and my contact number on it! That was truly awesome. The feeling was as if I am having a new born GrandSon!!!!
He was then three months old and pretty soon became my daughter's buddy and favourite ... He has his own corner in between our rooms with his food, water and litter pan. He even slept on Lisa's pillow when she stayed with us throughout summer to winter ;)
Baby Gary ... What's in your mind babe?
His features and antics I truly admired and loved. He has long shabby gray hair and very sharp eyes. He wasn't the manja type and doesn't like to be held ;( He prefers a carefree life. He rather comes to us and slowly squeezes himself to our sides than sits on our laps LOL!
He was potty trained by Lisa. Big TQ Gurly! In his early days, he loves his Royal Canine food for Baby Cat below one year old. But, after a few months when he was growing and getting stronger, I supplement him with plain boiled chicken breasts for lunch and dinner. I did not give him milk yet, except plain mineral water. Occasionally, some treats of mango juices and ice cream when the weather was hot!
But, when Lisa left for home sweet sweet Gary became our sunny Son :) Each morning, he'll come to our room, sniffing and purring. Indeed, that was truly soothing voice to our ears. He loves our bed. With his furry paws on my cheek and big 'cat eyes' he would look straight into my eyes as if saying, "Mom, I love U ..." Wow! That was awesome isn't it. And, my heart went to him. He loves to sit quietly on our pillow while waited for us to play with him. But, one thing about him was that he shows no facial emotion. He had stern looking face and Dad always said, "Gary is a Rimau (Tiger)!"
Then, I'll take him into my arms and together we'll wake his Daddy, "Dad, wake up, it's time to work." Only then, he will weave through his Dad's blanket for his feet! He loves Dad's feet :D but I have no idea why? Then, he will wait and just look at his Dad while he sleeps until Dad opens his eyes. Soon, Dad will kiss him and play with him for a few minutes before he took his bath and ready for work.
After breakfast, both Gary and Mom will send Dad at the door. We will stay at the balcony and waved Dad till his car was out of sight. (@^@) That was our routine every week day. And, when Dad comes home from work at 3.30pm Gary will patiently wait and greet him at the whitish spiral marble staircase. He will wait for Dad and later sniffed his feet. Then he gallantly cat walked and followed Dad to his room. He waited till Dad changed to his home attire. Then cat walked and followed him again to the dining room for our routine lunch time!
Now that Gary has grown and passed his FirstBirthday, I gave Gary new food for Big Boy :D HiHiHi The Royal Canine for Cats' 1Year++ He also loves the Dutch Lady Milk which I started to give him three times a day apart from mineral water with ice on them. He truly loves ice and sweet liquids. He certainly has sweet tooth LOL! Indeed, He is now grown very well and weighed heavier, too ;)
But, his antics and behaviors still haven't changed. He still patiently waits for Dad to come home from work at late noons. He still sniffs Dad's feet and running after Dad who walks to his room and stays near to Dad while he was resting. Oh Boy! You're such a charming creature :)
A One Year Old Big 'Boy' Gary (:@^@:) ...
To my Adorable Gary, I pray you'll grow well with us. I am Thankful to Allah SWT for introducing you to us and brought Happiness and Laughter to our Home! Oh Boy! You're already One Year and How time flies :) We're truly blissful to have you as part of our big family. Happy FirstBirthday, Gary! We Love You very much and we will always be there for You, Our Adorable Gary ...
Gary waits for Mom while she sleeps ... :)