Tuesday, 28 January 2014

When Readers' Meet ...

At last, we met after a month's break! For what and where? It's none other for foods and certainly not for tummy only, but more so for our thoughts! It was a monthly meeting for MQ BookClub members to discuss on books which we read. It was truly stimulating to share what we understand based on our perspectives and at the same time we gained more from the others who gave their views  which sometimes we have overlooked or never crossed our minds at all when we read the books from page to page! 

That's the power of knowledge sharing. This time the readers including me and the Ladies of Leisure LARRS gathered at N's Cozy Crib and the discussion centered on Elif Shafak's novel 'The Forty Rules of Love' which among others touched on the issues of woman who was turning 40 with her newfound happiness and the understanding of the true meaning of love at that age - the crucial Forty Something! Also not  surprising that one begins to question oneself  of one's existence and to better understand of one's self spiritually. 

Since the booked also touched on areas of Sufism and the poet Rumi, so the other readers did share a little bit on this which led to unfolding about Zoroastrianism and other spiritual mystics which was an eye opener to some of the readers. This discourse also provided wide spectrum of knowledge which in a way closer the gap for me who is longing for academic discourse with colleagues and intellectuals alike!

Apart from the precious knowledge gain, I also experience directly and indirectly valuable inputs through diverse cultural and tradition shared by the members from international backgrounds both from the east and west. This includes the variety of foodies from various nations that were served to us while happily discussing the books which we read, as well as sharing universal topics such as how we got our surnames and other jokes that always brought laughter in our two hours meeting which were truly fruitful! Indeed, this monthly meet which had been going on for two years since my arrival in this hospitable land taught me as a DS that every where we go, there will always be an opportunity to improve ourselves if we are willing to open up and embark with something of interests to us and share it with others who have same passion and likeness. 

Thus, I'm looking forward to our next meet where we will be discussing other books that had been agreed upon till summer time. They are To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee and followed by Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Since I have read the earlier classic of modern American literature which was published in 1960 and won the Pulitzer Prize, I truly look forward to having intellectual discourse with the MQ Readers. In fact, this novel has been made into a film in 1962 by director Robert Mulligan. And, ironically or perhaps   interestingly unlike any other authors who usually will continue publishing their books especially after they won an award, it is one and only Harper Lee's published novel. This is also, I think will be one of the areas for fruitful discourse as to why she stopped publishing and also "refused any personal publicity for herself or the novel since 1964" just four years after the stardom!

By the way, one of our readers proposed Gone Girl for March discourse. I have not read the book nor having any clue what is it all about. But, as readers we always happy to read new things and for that matter, I did search in the web as to have a glimpse of the book which was published in 2012. Wow! I found the extract in the pdf and feeling truly blessed.  This contemporary thriller novel was also written by an American lady writer. Among others this book narrates Nick Dunne, the protagonist as to whether he killed his wife, Amy? 

Well, I think Gone Girl will be an interesting read because for the very first time we will have a discourse on 'thriller' novel. All along our books among others centered upon movitational subjects our self discovery such as The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma and Aliph by Paulo Coelho. We also read a book which touched about one's life with moral issues in Tuesday with Morrie by Mitch Albom. All these books were good read! And, as for me it opens up a wide spectrum of understanding of myself. For example, I like the quotes in Aliph: "Don't be intermidated by other people's opinions. Only mediocrity is sure of itself, so take risks and do what you really want to do." Also, the remarkable statement by Paulo Coelho, "If you conquer yourself, then you conquer the world." 

Well, all in all I must say that the BookClub activity which I joined made me more aware of what is happening around the world and most interestingly I had something to look forward to every Tuesday, the last week of each month! And now, I must gather the other books in preparation for When Readers' Meet - Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and Leonard Peikoff; Dodger by Terry Pratchett and finally the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.  These will last me till June, insyallah. By then, my brain will keep on working, absorbing all the   literature and surely will provide good foods for my thoughts. Just like I always need a balance diet for my body, the same goes for my brain - a balance input for thought which includes love,  spirituality, morality, thriller and laughter which is the best medicine for both body and mind!

              Me & My Books :D

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