Monday, 27 May 2013

Dad's Advice

RY, Lisa and I were having dinner @Gani Rojak in Klang. While savoring our favorite foods, in passing Lisa asked her Dad about marriage and all it's baggage relating to it! 

RY gave her his honest view especially the importance of the woman (wife) to be an educated person and as far as possible to be financially independent. Wives must not dependent of their husbands. Instead, they should work hand-in-hand and share their income for the benefit of their marriage and family. In our Malay saying: ringan sama di jinjing, berat sama di pikul.

RY also advised Lisa on the importance of parenting. Every parents have a duty to their child or children. They must give their best to them based on their means and ability - especially the basic necessities which include education. If she is married and has children of her own, do forgive them if they make mistakes for we are just human. His advice reminds me of a statement I read written by Muslim Kids Genius, which stated: "Forgive your children if they make mistakes in life. You are wiser than them two to three decades. You were once like them, too and Allah SWT has guided you. Now, use your God guided wisdom to guide them, too." 

Alhamdulilah, all praise to Allah SWT for giving me a chance to hear and witness the fruitful Dad-Daughter talk!  I'm very pleased that RY could share his view with his daughter. Amin.

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